琴嘉 一個甜美可愛的泰國女星 ...

Name : Jeeja Yanin Vismitananda(จีจ้า ณิชชารีย์ วิสมิตะนันทน์)
Date of Birh : 31 March 1984
Place of Birth : Dr. Panya General Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
Education : Department of Film and Digital, Kasem Bundit University
Debut : Chocolate 2008
Height : 162 cm
Religion : Buddhism
Hobby/ Interests : Watching movies, reading, listening to music and sleeping
Favor Colour : Pink, Light-blue
Favor Food : "Pad Thai"(ผัดไทย),
S&P Cakes,
Cookies by Sa
Moki(small cake fill with something sweet like bean paste)
Favor Sports : Thai boxing, Taekwondo, Kung Fu
Favor Actors : Nicholas Tse, Jet Li
Favor Actress : Karen Mok
Favor Movies : Mortal combat, Always : sunset on the third street, Godfather
Hate Food : Tomato,Raisin
Movie Genres : Romantic Comedy, Action
Motto : Be happy with the things you do.
You can be discourage, but don't give up


ตะลุมพุก มหาวาตภัยล้างแผ่นดิน(Taloompuk)
Released in Thailand:27-12-2002

Released in Thailand:06-02-2008
Released in HongKong:17-04-2008
Released in Taiwan:26-09-2008
Released in Malaysia:14-08-2008

THAILAND FANSCLUB---http://www.yaninfanclub.com
HONGKONG FORUM---http://www.jijayanin.net

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